


Eurhythmic lesson

Eurhythmic lesson

Hello, everyone!1月も中旬、今日は今学期2回目のリトミックレッスンでした。入園してからずっと大好きなリトミックレッスンでは学年に応じてどんどんむつかしいことにチャレンジしながら音楽に合あわせてリズムをとったり表現力をつけてきたりしました。上の学年のお友達はピアノの音を聞いて拍子が分かるようにもなりました。これは日本文化の時間の鍵盤ハーモニカ練習にもとっても役に立っています。季節にちなんだお歌や絵本、アクティビティが盛りだくさんのレッスンは毎回とっても楽しくて、あっという間にレッスンの時間が過ぎてしまいます。来月上旬にはリトミックの参観日も予定していますよ。おうちの方に楽しんでいる姿を見ていただけるのが待ち遠しいです。It is already mid-January, and today was the second Eurhythmic lesson of this term.The Eurhythmic lesson has been so popular since the children entered the school and they have been challenging themselves with more and more difficult things according to their grade level, while learning rhythm and expressiveness in time with the music. The upper grade students have even learned to recognize different kinds of beats by listening to the piano. This has been very useful for them to practice the keyboard harmonica during Japanese culture class.Each lesson is filled with seasonal songs, picture books, and activities, and is so much fun that the time goes by so quickly.We are planning to hold an open day early next month. We can’t wait for the parents and guardians to see how much fun they are having!
