Christmas party
Hello, everyone!
今日はクリスマスパーティーでした。Puppy class のお友達も一緒です。みんなクリスマスにちなんだ可愛いコスチュームで参加をしてくれました。今日のパーティーはゲームがたくさん!先生達がとっても楽しいゲームを4つ用意してくれましたよ。ちょっぴり難しい時は大きなクラスのお友達が助けてくれました。
We had Christmas party with Puppy friends today.
Children came dressed for Christmas and everyone was so cute!
We enjoyed many games that teachers prepared. Big children helped younger ones for joining the games kindly and they all had fun.
After lunch Ms. Amy brought a big sack and she said somebody sent us special presents to children. Everyone was so excited to guess who he was.
It was an enjoyable party.