


Lunch time

Lunch time

Hello、everyone!今日は各クラスのランチ時間にお邪魔しました。みんな仲良くテーブルを囲んでいますね。今日の献立はメインが鶏の天ぷらでした。付け合わせには煮びたしや切り干し大根などがありました。子ども達に今日のランチで一番好きなのはなに?と聞くと、”I like chicken!” “I like Miso soup!”とそれぞれに好物を教えてくれました。キッチン担当の先生がちょうどみんなの食べ頃にあわせた状態で用意をしてくれるので今日のような寒い日でもホカホカの給食を食べることができます。なんだか今日はお代わりをする子も多かったような気がしますよ。みんな、しっかり食べて大きくなってね。Today Ms. Emi visited each class at lunch time. Everyone got along and was having their lunch at the table. Today’s menu consisted of chicken tempura as the main dish. There were Nibitashi and Kiriboshi daikon on the plate, too. When Ms. Emi asked the children what they liked best at lunch today, they replied, “I like chicken tempura!” , “I like Miso soup!” and so on. The teacher in charge of the kitchen prepares the food just in time for everyone to eat, so even on a cold day like today, the children are able to enjoy their hot school lunch. I think there were a lot of kids who ordered second helpings today. Everyone, eat well and grows up a lot!
